How less is actually more and will lead you to the coaching practice of your dreams!
Bigger is Better. Go Big or Go Home. Reach and Frequency are the keys to marketing success. Lies! Lies! Lies! These 'Old School' maxims are in fact the new way to struggle and fail.
Join us for our latest webinar, where we discuss why what Seth Godin calls 'The Minimum Viable Audience', is the most important thing you can define and pursue for your coaching and consulting practice.
You'll learn:
Mark Kanty along with his team at Release Dynamics has been providing Practical and Creative Marketing Strategies to Release Personal and Organizational Potential since 1990.
Jaimie Skultety along with her team at Upscale Your Business specializes in helping professional coaches and consultants systematize their business, maximize visibility, and attract ideal clients.
"Very enlightening. Definitely helped me zero in on my audience!"